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  • Registrant : 千葉市シルバー人材センター
  • [Language]日本語
  • [TEL]0432650070
  • Posted : 2023/09/21
  • Published : 2023/09/25
  • Changed :2023/09/25
  • Total View : 477 persons
2023/10/5 - 2023/10/5 / 千葉県 千葉市中央区末広 / Beauty / Health

Kao ( Hair care course taught by Kao ) staff

You can learn about hair care from Kao's expert staff ! Participation is free of charge, and we look forward to welcoming women over 60 years old living in Chiba City.

Kao ( Hair Care Lecture by Kao ) Staff

Date October 5, 2023 ( Thu ) 14 : 00 ~ 15 : 30

Place 3-17-15 Suehiro, Chuo-ku, Chiba-shi Chiba City Silver Human Resources Center 2F Conference Room

Eligibility Women over 60 years old living in Chiba City

Fee Free

Things to bring Mirror ・ Hairbrush

Main Sponsor Public interest incorporated association Chiba City Chiba City Silver Human Resources Center

Chiba City Silver Human Resources Center
General Affairs Section 043-265-0070
Venue Chiba City Silver Human Resources Center 2F Conference Room
Address 265-0070 千葉県 千葉市中央区末広 千葉市中央区末広3-17-15
Date 2023/10/5 - 2023/10/5
Time detail
Getting here ●JR千葉駅東口バスターミナル3番乗り場から末広町経由表示のバスに乗車し、「末広町中央」で下車。バス停のすぐ前に所在。(所要約13分)


●京成電鉄千原線 千葉寺駅で下車し、徒歩で線路に沿って千葉中央駅方面に向かい、末広街道に出たら右折し、約100メートル先、右側に所在。(所要約7分)
Venue detail

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