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30 km
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Kamogawa BREWERY

Kamogawa SEASIDE BASE" has a great location, and you can enjoy Kamogawa's first original craft beer 🍺 with a beer in your hand, or enjoy a meal at the cafe. Enjoy a wonderful time with a beer in one hand and a meal in the cafe in the other.


Phone (04) 7096-7676
Address 296-0002 千葉県 鴨川市 前原359-69 KAMOGAWA SEASIDE BASE内
Hours Sunday 8:00-21:00
Monday 9:00-21:00
Tuesday 9:00-21:00
Wednesday 9:00-21:00
Thursday 9:00-21:00
Friday 9:00-21:00
Saturday 8:00-21:00
  • Vivinavi - Town Guide

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